Our Story

Passion Fueled By Precision Engineering
Years experience

01. A Lifelong Love Affair with BMWs

From a young age, BMWs have captivated our founders, Nick Andrews and Dylan Matthews, with their perfect blend of performance, luxury, and cutting-edge technology. Growing up, they were both inspired by the sleek lines, powerful engines, and unparalleled driving dynamics of these ultimate driving machines. It was a love affair that would shape the course of their lives and careers.
Nick Andrews

02. Mastering the Art of BMW Service

Nick and Dylan’s passion for BMWs led them down a path of intense study and hands-on experience in the automotive industry. Nick earned a Bachelor’s degree in Automotive Engineering from Ohio State University and a Master’s in Automotive Technology from Clemson University. Dylan, hailing from Savannah, Georgia, pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Automotive Technology from the University of Northwestern Ohio.
Their education was just the beginning. For over a decade, they worked side-by-side as BMW Master Technicians at a renowned dealership in Atlanta, Georgia. They diagnosed and repaired countless BMWs, mastering the intricacies of these sophisticated machines and developing a deep respect for their engineering prowess.
Dylan Matthews 
Years experience
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Years Experience

Sharing Knowledge, Empowering Enthusiasts

After years of fielding questions from BMW owners and enthusiasts, Nick and Dylan realized the need for a comprehensive online resource that could empower others with their hard-earned knowledge. In 2018, they founded BMWAutoInsider.com, a platform dedicated to providing accurate, informative, and valuable content for fellow BMW lovers.

From detailed model overviews and maintenance guides to performance modifications and DIY tutorials, BMWAutoInsider.com covers every aspect of BMW ownership. Nick and Dylan’s expertise, combined with their passion for teaching and helping others, shines through in every article and video they create.

A Community of Kindred Spirits

BMWAutoInsider.com is more than just a website; it’s a community of kindred spirits united by their love for BMWs. Nick and Dylan actively engage with readers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm. Whether you’re a seasoned BMW owner or a newcomer to the world of German engineering, you’ll find a welcoming space to ask questions, share experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals.

The Future of BMWAutoInsider.com 

With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a drive to constantly improve, Nick and Dylan have big plans for the future of BMWAutoInsider.com. They aim to expand their content offerings, explore new technologies, and continue to be a trusted resource for BMW enthusiasts worldwide. Join them on this exciting journey, and experience the passion, knowledge, and dedication that make BMWAutoInsider.com truly one-of-a-kind.